POLICY - May 2019

POL I CY The Israeli Insurance , Pension&FinanceNewspaper 23 Tel Aviv Re 2019 COLLECTED DATA REAL-TIME DATA RECORDING DATA TRANSMISSION Obtaining the accident event data in real me enables the Call Center swii event management, direct contact with the driver, allowing rescue forces and towing services quick accessibility to the event locaaon and performing ' A utomaac F irst E valuaaon of L oss Assessment (FEOL)'. A digital sensor installed in the vehicle enables idennficaaon of the vehicle impact locaaon and intensity. This informaaon combined with the extensive Auto3p database, enables swii iniial damage evaluaaon prior to claim handling. This preliminary assessment at the me of the incident simplify the claim management process and will enable the insurer to verify the damage claimed, prevent insurance fraud, and confirm the insured claim rapidly. Accident event management in real time, innovative technology combined with BIG DATA • Obtaining Online ‘First notification of loss’ Accident Reporting (FNOL) • • Automatic ‘First Evaluation of Loss’ Assessment (FEOL) • A real digital revoluuon is taking place, these days, in the field of automoove claims worldwide A revolution in automotive insurance claims costs UBI A vehicle monitoring system which enables premium policy management, as per vehicle usage and driving style. Real me innovaave technology, uulizing big data for accident event management. Comprehensive online claims management for the insurance company. Contact us and gain a professional advantage! Email: auto3p@auto3p.com Website: www.auto3p.com