POLICY - May 2019

POL I CY The Israeli Insurance , Pension&FinanceNewspaper 31 Tel Aviv Re 2019 Issue No. 312 January 4 2016 POLI C Y The Israeli Insurance , Pension & Finance Newspaper Year IV 0793 - 4750 ISSN Issue No. 479 May 12 2019 Editor: Arie Lavi • Translation: Jonathan Marcus • Graphi cDesigner: MichalHarel • Publisher: Economic Communication, Ltd. 14 Nachshon st. Ramat Hasharon 47301 Israel • Mail: news@polisa.news • Tel. 972-3-5407884 • Fax. 972-3-5493622 Clal insurance Building INSURANCE COMMISSIONER DR MOSHE BAREKET CONSULTS WITH THE MARKET: WHAT ARE THE BARRIERS PREVENTING INVESTMENT IN INSURETECH VENTURES PAGE 2 3 PAGE 4 LIABILITIES SECTOR CONTINUES TO BE THE BIGGEST PROBLEM IN THE ELEMENTARY SECTOR – 259 MILLION SHEKEL LOSS IN 2018 2018 ELEMENTARY SECTOR RESULTS ANALYSIS BY HAGAI SHAPIRA DISTRICT COURT ACCEPTS BAREKET’S POSITION ON PETITION TO STOP PROGRAM FOR OF CLAL ARES CLAL INSURANCE A THE PHOENIX TO OPTION FOR PUR OF PART OF THE TO BE PURCHA YSTONE Policy has good value for money in keeping you informed of the latest news in the Israeli insurance market which has relevancy and impact on the reinsurance market. Policy covers, among other things, the latest financial statement results of the insurance companies, Commissioner of Insurance notes and instructions, regulatory changes, changes in the laws, launching of new policies, trends and needs in themarket, new appointments in the insurance industry, new legislation affecting reinsurance treaties, new court judgments affecting insurance policies, including their impact on reinsurance treaties and facultative, large claims, natural hazards claims, etc. class actions against insurance company/companies and their effect on the reinsurance treaties and facultative. Intrested in the Israeli insurance market? For more information