POLICY - May 2022

POL I CY The Israeli Insurance, Pension & Finance Newspaper 32 Special edition 2022 Lloyd’s Broker Guest Krieger that is best known as one of the largest producers of Israeli Financial lines, Professional and General Liability, Tech & Cyber Liability, and Political Violence business into the London Market for more than 45 years, is joining PIB Group. The leading London Market broker writes growing portfolio of international specialty business mainly emanating from Israel, but also from more than 30 other countries. PIB is a dynamic, fast-growing independent British broker which is supported by the international Apax Funds and Carlyle Group and specializes in a wide range insurance sectors. The group has offices throughout the UK, Channel Islands, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Denmark, Spain and Holland. The deal is expected to enhance PIB’s London Market capabilities and to provide it with a platform from which to handle London placements of specialty international wholesale business emanating from PIB’s growing international portfolio of niche insurance broking firms. The Company will continue to trade independently under the Guest Krieger brand and be led by its CEO Alon Miller and his management team that will remain invested in the company, from its offices in Cornhill in the City of London as they have done over the years. Brendan McManus CEO for PIB Group commented: “Guest Krieger is a first-class business and I’m absolutely delighted to welcome Alon and the entire team to PIB Group. It is a real accolade that they have chosen PIB as their destination for the next part in their long-term success story. We are impressed by their dominant market position and deep expertise in niche, high-growth lines and its exceptional client base. Their deep understanding of the Israeli and the London market makes them a key differentiator, and what really tops off this fantastic new partnership is the fact that their culture and ethics are so aligned with those of PIB. We look forward to working with our new colleagues and supporting them in continuing to grow and thrive.” Guest Krieger CEO Alon Miller, who has headed the company since 2006 told Policy: “From our first meeting, PIB Group and their investors at Apax Funds stood out as people that shared our values and vision for the future of Guest Krieger, and offered us a real and exciting opportunity to realize our long term international growth strategy. We are thrilled and proud to be joining the PIB team, and we are confident that with support from both PIB andApax, we will continue our success story as an independent international broker. This is the perfect opportunity for Guest Krieger to invest in our staff and to bring new products and services to our clients around the world and develop our special long term relations with our insurers and producers. I would like to thank our founder Ilan Krieger and our fantastic team of devoted people who have each played an important part in our success to date and I’m very excited about what we can achieve together over the coming years.” LLOYD’S BROKER GUEST KRIEGER WHICH SPECIALIZES IN THE ISRAELI MARKET, JOINS THE PIB GROUP • ‏ PIB is a dynamic, fast-growing independent British broker which is backed by Apax Funds and Carlyle Group • Guest Krieger’s CEO Alon Miller told Policy that Guest Krieger will continue operating as an independent Lloyd’s broker, led by him as CEO, together with Guest Krieger’s entire existing and professional management team Alon Miller