POLICY - Special Edition - May 2023

22 POLICY Special edition 2023 AI and automation-driven operations for auto insurance claims management - A Revolutionary Vision By Uri Maimon, CEO and founder of MRM and Auto3P Auto insurance claims and repair management today is still manual, disconnected, and slow. For insurers, this means operational inefficiency and high costs, losses from fraud, and ultimately unhappy customers. This is where auto3p comes in bringing a muchneeded revolution with AI-driven, fully autonomous claim management! Fully autonomous estimates are driven by bringing together real-time car data from a proprietary car sensor, original car manufacturer catalog data with five million items and 70 brands, and historical data from a database of dozens of millions of claims. With this powerful combination, minor cases at 40% of all claims are settled completely automatically, and payments are made immediately. The rest of the claims are fully controlled with extensive automation. Operational efficiency improves by up to 15%. Time to resolution accelerates from 30 days to just minutes. Fraud decreases by up to 30%. And the customer experience is stellar. Contact us at info@auto3.com to join the revolution. Aon Reinsurance Israel welcomes the guests of Tel Aviv Re 2023